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Tag: cryptocurrency
Top Crypto Stories For Week Of 2/27/22 By DJ Kupo
Roundup by @DJKupo 2/27/2022 Federal Reserve puts new bans on trading in stocks, bonds, crypto or commodities following trading scandal (The Block) Federal Reserve Federal Reserve @federalreserve FOMC formally adopts comprehensive new rules for investment and trading activity: FOMC formally adopts comprehensive new rules for investment and trading activityThe Federal Open Market Committee on…
A Post Scarcity Society
(Editor’s Note: I lost my ass investing in $TIME – it was the single most expensive investing mistake I’ve ever made. I bought the top and then it crashed to damn near nothing. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is – still the video is worth watching but don’t fall for…
Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab – An Honest Review
As a geek, a sci-fi lover, a futurist, a technology lover, a person with a fascination for humans and what makes us tick, and an investor – I am constantly on the lookout for what the next big thing, the next big disruption, or the next human-culture shattering event may be – so reading Shaping…
Crypto Confidential – Adventures in the Underbelly of the Cryptocurrency World
It’s no secret that I love Bitcoin and have a deep fascination with the entire ecosystem of cryptocurrency. That love affair goes back to working with alternative currencies and barter systems in the 1990s and then extends through the 2000’s as I learned about the possibilities of using digital currencies to disempower banks, corporations, and…
BALDER AIEAS The Market Crash Test Balloon – This Week in Investing
I know this week in the stock and crypto markets has been difficult for many people. I’m not one of them. My stock portfolio and my crypto portfolio both lost quite a bit of value over the past month – this week was more of the same. I feel good about every decision I made…
Crypto and Nasdaq Bloodbaths and Trump Whitehouse Meltdown
We have officially entered a September that no one saw coming. The entire cryptocurrency market is in a serious bloodbath with Ethereum taking the hardest hits. The Tech sector of the stock markets (along with the continued bleeding of emerging markets) are getting pummelled. The core of the US Government, the White House and the…
July 2018. Bitcoin Surges to $7400 and Brings All of Cryptocurrency With It.
It was a good day to be in cryptocurrency today. Bitcoin took off this morning, for reasons that are not altogehter clear and it brought it’s hundred closest friends and nearly every other coin or token with it. My personal opinion is that the disgusting and shameful performance of the U.S. President in Europe with…
Lack of Confidence in Government? Invest in Cryptocurrency.
If you, like me and a lot of other people – look at the current state of affairs and see complete chaos on the horizon – there are really only a few ways to protect your hard earned money. 1) Buy gold, silver, or other precious metals or gems. Gold will never become worthless –…
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Altcoins – What Are They? How can you buy and sell them?
I’ve made it no secret – I think the banking and financial systems of every country on the planet are corrupt and need to be replaced. The problem, of course, is that whatever you replace them with has the potential to also be corrupt as long as you are relying on trust. This is why…