Today, I want to hear from you.
What do you think? Is budget travel worth it or is it better to just put your nose to the grindstone and stay home until you can afford to indulge yourself a bit more?
Is there something you get from budget travel that luxury travel can’t give you? Is there really anything beween budget and luxury travel or are those the only real options?
What do you think? I want to hear your thoughts. I’ll provide some of my thoughts in my next post.

I don’t see the point in super budget travel. So you’ve made it in Japan, but you’re eating instant noodles and drinking beer you’ve bought from the supermarket? You could be doing that at home. While spending money on nice hotels is a waste of money (unless the accommodation speaks about the place), there are experiences which you just need to spend money on to truly appreciate a country. Otherwise, stay home and watch a documetary, as there is not much difference.
I have to say, I think money spent on nice hotels can be well worth it. I’ve scrimped on that and ended up with bedbugs, getting my cash stolen, or just getting a crappy nights sleep. I also would tend to think that just getting the chance to see the people and life up close with all the smells, sounds, and other senses could be worthwhile, but it is certainly a pity to miss some of the most amazing things because of penny pinching….I remember when I didn’t go to Tibet because $150 was more than my budget 🙁 seems so cheap now.