8/02/2020 0700 HST Global Covid Cases: 18,134,406 Global Covid Deaths: 690,787 New Deaths: 40,065 average of 5724 per day – this is down slightly from last week’s 6235 US Covid Cases: 4,783,757 US Covid Deaths: 158,094 New Deaths: 8537 average of 1,220 per day, up significantly from last week’s 947 Hawaii Covid Cases: 2197 Hawaii…
Category: Obituaries
Ashes of dead launced in rocket crash into mountains…oops!
Hmmm…maybe they should have stuck with Hunter S. Thompson’s method of scattering his ashes by having them blasted from a cannon. It’s pretty hard to mess that one up. With any luck Scotty was able to have them beamed up when the rocket failed… cd The search for the UP Aerospace payload of experiments and…
Don Ho is dead
HONOLULU – Legendary crooner Don Ho, who entertained tourists for decades wearing raspberry-tinted sunglasses and singing the catchy signature tune “Tiny Bubbles,” has died. He was 76. He died Saturday morning of heart failure, publicist Donna Jung said. Ho had suffered with heart problems for the past several years, and had a pacemaker installed last…
Kurt Vonnegut, Dead at 84. :(
I remember when I first read Breakfast of Champions, I can honestly say that it changed my life. Vonnegut’s wit, humanism, and critical thought couched in slapstick humor, showed me that you don’t have to be uptight to be just and that you don’t have to be a prick to be conservative. He taught me…
RIP Larry Bud Melman
I had forgotten all about you Larry Bud, but I am sorry you are gone and thankful for the annoyed laughter you dragged out of me. You look a little like Bernest sometimes, and I loved that about you…Rest in Peace Buddy. cd NEW YORK – The balding, bespectacled nebbish who gained cult status as…
Ice at the poles—of Mars….
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A spacecraft orbiting Mars has scanned huge deposits of water ice at its south pole so plentiful they would blanket the planet in 36 feet of water if they were liquid, scientists said on Thursday. The scientists used a jointNASA-Italian Space Agency radar instrument on the European Space Agency Mars Express spacecraft…
You may have noticed we were gone….
I think this should be the last time I have server issues. I don’t expect to have to change them again. In the meantime, Anna Nicole Smith dropped dead today at the young age of 39. She won’t be back. Our condolences to those who loved her. Anna Nicole Smith- A Tabloid Life
Scientists say NJ object is meteorite
I saw this on the local news when Mink Hippie and I were in New Jersey last week. I’ve always lived my life like I might die tomorrow, or tried to anyway. In conversation, I’ve told people that you never know, a meteor might strike you dead at any given moment. Usually this is met…
US plans permanent base on Moon
OK, you know what the problem with this is? (I sound like Andy Rooney….) But, there is a problem! It perpetuates the illusion that we can just go and settle somewhere else when we finish trashing the planet we are on. I believe that people are numb to warnings about environmental destruction not because they…
SPACE.com — Viewer's Guide: The 2006 Leonid Meteor Shower
SPACE.com — Viewer’s Guide: The 2006 Leonid Meteor Shower this weekend, when the Leonids traditionally should be at their most numerous, we normally would expect to see no more than 10 meteors per hour, even with the promise of excellent viewing conditions thanks to a New Moon on the 20th. Still, for parts of Europe,…